

ToolCharm is a platform that enables natural language software integration with SaaS applications.

What can you build with ToolCharm?

  • Fast, reliable, inexpensive AI applications: Current AI applications, powered by LLMs like GPT-4, not only struggle to reliably perform actions in software, but they are slow and expensive (many processing tokens). By creating our own foundational language model, we are able to provide a fast, reliable, and inexpensive way to perform actions with AI.
  • Universal integrations in your application: With ToolCharm, you can integrate with any service that we support, without having to learn the API documentation of each service. This allows you to provide a wide range of integrations to your users, without having to build and maintain each one.

Benefits of Natural Language Integration

  • Support every tool your users use: All of your users don't use the same CRM, Email Platform, BI Tools, Storage Providers, Task Managers, etc. With ToolCharm, you will be able to instantly support all of them, just by making a natural language request to our API, regardless of the service.
  • Schema-less API: No need to learn the API documentation of every service you want to integrate, just ask for the data/action you want in natural language, and it's done. ToolCharm will take care of it almost instantly, with the reliability you want from your service.
  • No more adapting to new API versions: With ToolCharm, you don't have to worry about the API changes of the services you integrate with. We will take care of the changes and make sure your integration works as expected.

How does it work?

We've trained our own foundational language model to understand natural language requests and translate them into API calls. We then fine-tune this model for each service we support, so it can understand the specific language and actions of that service. We then route these requests, based on what services each user has authenticated with, to the appropriate service.

This allows us to accomplish:

  • Near-instant response times
  • Reliability and consistency
  • Inexpensive and scalable integrations


"Create a new lead named John Doe who works at Acme Inc."

  "id": "00QHn000024LD2JMAW",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "company": "Acme Inc."

Success! Timing: 2.43 seconds

"Give me the names and emails of all contacts who work at Acme Inc."

  "contacts": [
        "id": "003Hn000024LD2JMAW",
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "email": ""
        "id": "004Hn000024LD2JMAW",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "email": ""

Success! Timing: 2.43 seconds