Use Cases

Reliable AI Applications

The Problem with Current AI Applications

The usage of AI in applications, especially chatbots, has been increasing rapidly. However, the current state of AI applications is not sustainable when it comes to performing actions in 3rd party software.

What's the problem with current chatbots powered by models like GPT-4 and others?

  • Slow: AI applications are inherintly slow because they need to process a lot of tokens to understand the context of the request. This includes reading service documentation, understanding the request, lots of processing tokens, etc.
  • Expensive: AI applications are expsensive for the same reason they are slow. They need to process a lot of tokens to understand the request, which leads to large costs.
  • Unreliable: AI applications are unreliable, because they are not trained on the specific language of the service they are interacting with. This leads to a lot of errors and misinterpretations of the request.

How ToolCharm is different

We have created our own foundational language model, which is fine-tuned for each service we support. This allows us to provide fast, reliable, and inexpensive AI applications that can perform actions in 3rd party software.